Tips for Selling Your Property - Rightmove Masterclass Part 2

We have spoken previously about the importance of Internet portals like Rightmove when marketing your property and what you can do to get the most out of them.

The three most important parts of your Rightmove profile are:

(1) The main image
(2) Your pricing strategy
(3) The property headline

In this, part two of our Rightmove masterclass, Nock Deighton sales and marketing director, Michael Nettleton, takes a look at your pricing strategy...

Many people think that by marketing their house just under a round figure they will tempt more buyers.

In actual fact it is often better to have an asking price of £200,000 rather than £199,995 because it’s included in the pricing bands on internet portals.

The next time you’re on Rightmove, click on the price range button and have a look at the pricing bands.

You want your property to fit in as many bands as possible, so by rounding the asking price up to £200,000 you will be included in searches for £150,000-200,000 as well as a search for £200,000- £250,000.

If your house is priced at £199,950 you’re potentially missing out on those buyers who have a budget of £200,000.

So don’t be afraid to round up rather than down!

The final part of our Rightmove masterclass will look at how you can make your property stand out by creating a snappy headline - look out for it in the blog soon.

Michael Nettleton

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