Home Selling Advice

Freshly ground coffee and home baked bread is the old classic but have you also considered these tips from our experts

  • You don't get a second chance to make a first impression. A freshly painted front door is a great place to start.
  • Keep things tidy! A confident buyer sweeps into a room. An unconvinced buyer has to sweep through it!
  • In winter, have lights on during the day time. You would be amazed how many people don't do this during a viewing.
  • Draw back the curtains and embrace the light. In summer, natural light can liven a place up and give a feeling of freshness and cleanliness. So, draw back those curtains and open those windows.
  • Fresh air in, damp smells out; make use of 'plug-ins' or scented candles especially if your home has pets.
  • In vacant properties, always try and leave some key items of furniture behind to give the place a lived in feeling.
  • If a buyer sits down in a property, it's likely they feel at home, possibly even thinking of putting in an offer. This is a great sign, so for this reason, make sure there's space round sofas and armchairs so viewers don't have to step over coffee tables and magazines to get to them.
  • Peeling paint on a window, or a garden gate hanging off its hinges suggests that work needs to be done on the property. This can really erode a buyers' confidence and give them ammunition to negotiate harder on the price.
  • If you have a garden, make sure your property is as tidy on the outside as it now is on the inside. If you don't love your home, it is difficult to expect a would be purchaser to.
  • In winter, if you have a fireplace, make sure you use it! Everybody loves that feeling of sitting by the crackling fire.
  • To a nervous buyer, a simple damp stain could conjure images of an impending major leakage. Get it fixed and painted over.

Key Contacts

Andrew Ainge
Director 01746 767 767
Michael Nettleton
Chairman 01746 767 767
Chris Kemp
Director 01584 875 555
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