Support Operation Christmas Child in Newport

Christmas is coming and we are hoping you will join with us in filling some shoe boxes with goodies to be distributed to youngsters who wouldn’t normally expect to get a present.

As well as our staff contributing to the Operation Christmas Child Campaign this year, our office at Nock Deighton in Newport will be used as one of the local collection points for Harper Adams University.

Operation Christmas Child is a major campaign which has been running since 1990 and during that time has benefited more than 157 million children in over 160 different countries.

For most of us, Christmas is a happy time of year when we enter into the festive spirit by exchanging gifts and it can be very easy to forget about those who have so little and are less fortunate than we are.

It is very sad to think that for so many children across the world Christmas is just another day of struggle and hardship. Operation Christmas Child helps to bring a little bit of cheer into so many lives and is such a worthy cause.

Harper Adams is getting involved in collecting shoe boxes which will then be shipped abroad for distribution. The boxes are filled with toys and personal care items giving those children who otherwise wouldn’t receive a present at Christmas a box filled with gifts.

Fill your shoebox with a selection of fun toys, hygiene items and school supplies. If possible, include one or two special items you know a child will love such as a doll, cuddly toy or deflated football with pump.

The boxes can be dropped off at our office in High Street until November 12 - which will soon come around, so please don’t wait too long!

For more information about how to pack and label the box or make a donation, visit the website by clicking here.

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