Unicorn on the Loose in Newport, Shropshire

There’s a unicorn on the loose in Newport - honestly, it’s true. We really aren’t horsing around!

It’s all a bit of a mystery but many people in the neigh-bourhood have spotted the strange sight, and this unicorn is eight feet tall… so what exactly is going on?

Our unicorn is actually training for next year’s London Marathon and is trying to rein in as much cash as possible for a very worthy cause - so the people of Newport really won’t mind getting saddled with this particular fundraiser.

The identity of the mystery person inside the costume is prompting a lot of speculation but we applaud the efforts of whoever it is out training for this gruelling annual event.

Newport’s Unicorn is raising funds for VICTA, a charity improving the lives of children and young people who are blind and partially sighted. Staff at our Nock Deighton office in the town are doing their bit for the cause by selling “I have seen the unicorn” badges at £1 a time with all the money raised going to this charity.

You can follow the efforts of our friend the unicorn onFacebook here or @RunnerSparkle on Twitter. We would like to support the efforts and would like you to join us in raising as much money as possible.

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