How can landlords minimise problems caused by the weather?

We all know that mother nature is an unpredictable element. We cannot control it and it demands our respect at all times. As we get to know our properties, we learn how to protect them and adapt where necessary.

With the recent cold weather something that we are facing within the Property Management Department at Nock Deighton are the risks of damage to a property caused by water. This has many forms such as rain, ice, snow, and flooding.

Preventative action could be the key for Landlords to help minimising problems and damage so here are a few points to consider: -

  • Heating within a property ideally should be thermostatically controlled to allow the tenant to maintain a minimum temperature when required
  • All areas containing water pipes and water storage tanks are protected to minimise the risk of freezing
  • Water pipes should be lagged to delay the temperature drop. We are advised that using a 32mm good quality, non-combustible lagging to all piping (including expansion pipes) should see you through the cold snap
  • Tanks should be lagged around and over, but not underneath. This is to allow heat from below to rise, and to keep the tank stable
  • Knowing the location of all stopcocks inside the property is vital in case of an emergency and can help prevent a lot of unnecessary damage
  • To consider draining the water system at the property if it is to be unoccupied for some time
  • To consider scheduling a gutter clean. A blockage or deteriorated joints can cause big problems – some which can take time to notice but by then the damage is done
  • For those properties who are at risk of flooding it would be worth considering a “health check” of what preventative measures you have in place to ensure that these are still adequate or do you need to revise these
  • Are there adequate numbers of sandbags at the property for the tenant to take immediate action when needed? Having these ready helps reduce the time to defend the property

If you have any questions regarding the above or your property, then please get in touch with your dedicated Property Manager or call the Property Management Team on 01952 208740.

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